Javon Longieliere

Staying Creative, Staying Inspired, Staying In Business And The “Fantabulousness” Of Shooting For Yourself

    What got me into photography wasn’t the promise of quarterly taxes, multiple bosses, endless hours spent behind the computer or even the idea that I would never be able to afford health insurance. No, it was the love of the art itself. Knowing that I had created something that hadn’t been there the second before I pressed the shutter.  Still, it’s easy to get swept away by the endless flood of emails and client phone calls and lose sight of why you chose photography as a profession.  It is important to make time for yourself and create something that is just for you.  Call it self-therapy, sometimes just as expensive (if not more) and you have something beautiful at the end of it all.

     The times during my career when I have lost my way and been unhappiest with my work is when I wasn’t shooting for me and making excuses as to why. It was during these times that I was the most unprofitable and unfulfilled as a business owner and an artist.

     Join me as we discuss the differences in waiting for inspiration and finding inspiration.  I’ll show you where my inspiration comes from and go into my process for planning and executing my projects and even what to do with them after you are done to make the most of what makes you happy so that you can do more of it. From mood boards to magazine layouts, come get inspired with me and remember why you are a photographer. Use your final creations to promote yourself through all avenues from social media to even the media. I’ll walk you through one of my most recent projects and explain how it went from a small town to international news. I even join and take part in one of my projects! Bring your cameras and an open mind.