The 2019-2020Board of Directors is here to serve you! They have been elected by the membership to serve and manage the business and functions of TNPPA. The positions they serve are strictly voluntary and the Board of Directors are not compensated monetarily for their service or time. They are here to help answer any questions you may have and encourage you to contact them if you would like to serve on a committee, have new ideas for the association or would like to assist with TNPPA events.
Pictured from left to right:
Jr Board Member: Julie Collins, Jr Board Member: Karen Fox, President-Elect: Brian Castle, Chairman of the Board: Skip Jackson, President: Dana Barrett, Treasurer: Barbara Potter, Board Member: John Kernodle
Not pictured: Secretary: Colby McLemore
Board Meetings are to be held at least four times during our fiscal year according to the current TNPPA requirements.
Anyone may attend the teleconference or Board meetings. Please contact TNPPA President or Secretary for more information. Phone numbers are available of all Board Members under the Board Members tab of the website. If you would like to attend, please contact the President so that we may make sure there is enough seating for you and any items that you wish to discuss may be placed on the agenda ahead of time.
Anyone wishing to receive copies of past Board Meetings may do so by contacting the Secretary, contact information is under the Board of Directors tab.
Minutes from the prior Board Meeting were initially published in the Ground Glass Magazine up until 2012. Due to the high cost of printing, the magazine is no longer being currently printed and is now in PDF form. Copies of past Board Meetings are now online under the Board of Directors Meeting Minutes for your convenience.
TNPPA is currently operating in good and sound financial status. Financial information is available upon request to any current member of TNPPA by contacting the Treasurer. TNPPA runs its business year in a calendar year. Dues are due Jan. 1st and are considered past due Jan. 31st for current membership. A late fee of $25 may be accessed to all past due memberships, so pay early!
The Board of Directors are volunteers and do not receive any compensation for their time or service for the association. If you have any comments or concerns, please contact the President directly. The Board of Directors works diligently to maintain a productive business model for the association, but also has families and businesses that also take priority. It is their goal to provide TNPPA Members with the utmost detailed and current information possible.
Anyone wishing to contribute and assist in the business of TNPPA is welcome to serve on a committee or welcomed to join on the Board of Directors as an officer.